Home > Cadet start!
  • Czech, English
  • Face-to-face
  • External & internal trainers and mentors
  • 37 000 CZK

Cadet start!

Program for high potentials aspiring on managerial role.
As we want to maintain a good quality of the program, there is 3 step process:


  • Manager nominates high potential from his/her team.  High potential is someone who aspires for a managerial role and has a clear interest to move to the role.
  • Nomination by manager is only one part of the assessment process and doesn´t automatically mean that a candidate is in a program.

 Nomination criteria:

  • at least 1 year in Tietoevry,
  • at least grade 11 and higher,
  • nominee has to be motivated to participate at the program; has to show his/her real interest in leading people


  • Session between a manager and an HR business partner where we evaluate candidates against factors such as skills, experience, motivation, and potential for growth.

STEP 3: AON TESTS to measure managerial potential

  • Tests will be organised only for nominees that were confirmed during calibration session.
  • Price of the test is 6 899 CZK and it´s not included into price of the program.
  • Only nominees who will get a recommendation based on test´s results will continue in Cadet start program.

CONTENT OF THE PROGRAM (March – December):


  • Recruitment: How to build your dream team
  • Compensation and benefits: How to set fair salaries
  • Labour law: How to make sure you follow the rules
  • Managerial basics 
  • Daily managerial work


  • Business insight – Tech Servicies, Industry, Create


  • Manage your internal brand
  • Presentation skills


  • Enneagram


  • Mentoring 

Approximate price of the training:

– On-line assessment: 6800 CZK
– Program itself 
around 30 000 CZK/participant, around 80 hours of training 


  • 5/5
The training consisted of various lessons and sessions that prepare a person for the future management career. It also assesses the person in a way that by the end of the course you find out if you felt comfortable and you should proceed to become a manager.
  • 5/5
Great opportunity for future managers. Variety of internal and external trainings, which definitely helps to understand the key roles, of the successful team leader, manager or even better - both :-)
  • 5/5
Hello, there were a lot of very usefull and invaluable information that I learned, I have encountered already a lot of very demanding situations and without the info from Cadet start it would be a loooot harder, I definetly would recommend this to every new manager and I would say it should be "must have" for any new manager without previous experience.There were some courses with were very boring and for me personally useless, but then again majority of them was great! Definetly one of the best courses Tieto ever made. And I made a lot of new "connections"
  • 5/5
Fit to the needs of starting managers
  • 5/5
Whole this Cadet start "project" was amazing experience. Many interesting trainings to improve our presentation skills, etc., met a lot of inspiring colleagues. Most of the trainings were not just about work, but usable also in personal life. Really enjoyed whole this year with Cadet start program
  • 5/5
Absolutely must -have if you thinking or already know you want to be a ppl manager once. So many valuable trainings and inspiring trainers I have met within just couple of months I never could wish for. Truly big thank you for getting this opportunity, it sorted out many thoughts, feelings, emotions and now I know what I truly wants to do in the future.
  • 5/5
A great set of courses and training for future or current management position. I appreciated the most the talks with managers and their tips and tricks. It's nice to see different styles and perspectives in management.
  • 5/5
I am going to enjoy writing this feedback! Long story short, this was a life changing experience for me. Short story long. If I was to explain this in Classic World of Warcraft terms, I started as a level 32 with barely any gear, I feel like I am now a level 60, fully decked out in epic gear and ready to tackle Naxxramas. Long story long. This training not only gave me a lot of handy tricks to deal with in day to day managerial situations. - It gave me confidence in myself, I have learned to appreciate what I have and what I can do. - It helped me deal with emotions that can arise in each one of us in day to day operations, like frustration, anger, sadness, but even uncontrolled happiness. - It gave me new friends! This journey is really amazing as you undergo it with other people, and I feel like I had the chance to go through this program with some of the best TietoEvry has to offer! - I have met truly spectacular managers from different branches of Tieto and their words will shape my way ahead. - The lectors from external trainings like Vašek Strnadel, Emanuel Byrtus or Bára Hlavicová were also really inspiring and their respective trainings had insurmountable value. - The trainings themselves left me with huge amount of energy. Where in different trainings I usually power down after some hours, here I somehow drove home after every panel, ready to do more! So would I recommend this training? I absolutely would! Special thanks goes to Jana Ženčová for putting this series together, it was a marvelous journey. I will be awaiting Cadet Start 2: Electric Boogaloo to appear in SkillBill and be the first one to sign to it.
Haven´t you found what you were looking for?
Contact Jana Ženčová
jana.zencova@tietoevry.com GDPR