Home > Connectivity overview
  • Czech
  • Face-to-face
  • Lukáš Tydlačka, Michal Hutín

Connectivity overview

Day 1:


– What we are responsible for
– What our job entails
– What pitfalls we encounter
– Demonstrating how things work at Tietoevry

The basics of networking

– Network elements overview
– ISO/OSI, TCP/IP model
– Demonstration of the most important protocols and what they do
– Simply go through the layers and the most basic things

Day 2:

Make a simple sample LAB together

– Common configuration and troubleshooting

Day 3:

Transfer knowledge to real tickets

– Demonstration day as a network engineer
– What we see and need in the system
– What information do we need and how do we collaborate with other teams
– Demonstration of some tickets and requests
– Potentially do some troubleshooting or change in real time


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