Home > Difficult conversations

Difficult conversations

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Outcomes of the training:

  • Recognize the germs of conflict communication and know how to prevent it
  • Master basic techniques for managing emotions
  • Know how to recognize the correct personality type and its conflict zones
  • To take an active approach to conflict resolution
  • Use an appropriately assertive approach
  • Lead and manage a reductionist conversation
  • Use basic assertive techniques
  • Be able to recognize manipulation and effectively resist it
  • Use different types of feedback according to the circumstances
  • Be able to adapt to the type of person to whom the TA is providing
  • To not be afraid to provide constructive criticism and to receive it oneself

Difficult communication:

  • How to recognise the beginning of a conflict situation
  • The effects of conflict behaviour on the individual
  • Emotions and how to manage them
  • Using the emotional curve

Conducting a reduction conversation:

  • What you need to prepare
  • How to maintain the structure of the call and achieve the goal
  • Reducing the impact on employer branding
  • Risks to the team and how to avoid them


  • Assertiveness in conflict
  • Effective assertive techniques
  • Assertive rights


  • What is manipulation and how to spot a manipulator
  • The most common manipulative techniques
  • How to defend yourself effectively

Effective feedback:

  • What are the types of feedback
  • Who to give feedback to and who not to give feedback to
  • How to prepare well for feedback
  • How to give motivational feedback
  • Developmental feedback
  • What doesn’t work and what to avoid
  • New trends in feedback
  • Feedback for different personality types



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