Home > EmpowerHer TECHNOLOGY: Leading in Tech as a Non-Technical Leader
  • Czech
  • Face-to-face
  • Veronika Danko, our colleague

Leading in Tech as a Non-Technical Leader

This talk will explore the challenges and opportunities of leading teams in the tech industry without a technical background.

Veronika, as a junior manager, will share insights on how to bridge the gap between technical and non-technical team members, build credibility, and drive successful collaborations.

This session is perfect for aspiring and current leaders who come from non-technical backgrounds but find themselves working with or managing technical teams.


  • 5/5
It was really nice to hear and discuss that it's not just me in this situation in this company :) We also received some tips for trainings/books to go through and I definitely plan to do that. Big thank you!
  • 5/5
Bylo to úžasné školení, Veronika má velké znalosti a díky svým zkušenostem má spoustu skvělých tipů a informací ke sdílení. Působí jako skvělá leaderka a přináší mnoho cenných postřehů. Jsem moc ráda, že jsem se mohla tohoto setkání zúčastnit.
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jana.zencova@tietoevry.com GDPR