Home > Enneagram I

Enneagram I

Please note: Your registration is binding and it is not possible to unsubscribe. If you cannot attend the training, please find a substitute. The costs go to your projects even in case of non-participation.

Get ready for a real out of the comfort zone experience!
After this course you will know who you are and better understand yourself.

This course offers transformation of your destructive habits on the level of thinking, emotions and behavior. You will realize natural strengths of your personality and their healthy application.

  • Enneagram is a unique personality system
  • Offers an effective transformation towards better quality of life
  • Offers an understanding of one’s habits on the level of thinking, emotions and their manifestation in one’s behavior
  • You will realize your strengths, your natural dispositions
  • Brings an understanding of the causes of conflicts, destructive emotions and, most importantly, a way on “how to change it

Course content:

  • Self-leadership and leadership of others
  • A map for personality characters
  • Understanding of the unique inner motivation
  • Self-reflection and accurate personal feedback
  • Personal development and support of personal growth of individual team members
  • Tips for better communication and collaboration
  • Methods and techniques
  • Interactive presentation, guided dialogue – sharing of personality traits, feedback, a coaching approach, personal work on an improvement plan, experience sharing and corrections.


  • 5/5
interesting learning which bring value to the participants
  • 5/5
Everything was positive, already filled the questionnaire in paper form.
  • 5/5
Everything was absolutely perfect but time range was short. I would like to learn more. Thank you for this great opportunity!
  • 4/5
Overall is very beneficial training. Especially second part when we actively started to talk about the characteristics of the human types which was really awesome! :) The part before which took like 6-7 hours was not very juicy. It remained me another training which I have passed in previous months, thus unfortunately it does not bring me new information, was too theoretical and I prefer more practical things. Otherwise the trainee was fine.
Haven´t you found what you were looking for?
Contact Jana Ženčová
jana.zencova@tietoevry.com GDPR