Home > Microsoft Azure certification exams – ordering process

Microsoft Azure certification exams – ordering process

You can get certified for AZ-400, AZ-500, AZ-900 and more!

  • Due to policy change from Microsoft, since March 1st, 2023, for all Azure exams Tietoevry employees have 50% discount.
  • To get a voucher to cover 100% of the exam cost, please submit your request via this form!

​​​​​​​Here are the instructions, how to book the online exam:

  1. Login to MS Learning experience Platform (company email): https://esi.microsoft.com/ 
  2. Navigate to Microsoft Certifications and find the certification exam you want to take
  3. Press Schedule exam and you will land to MS Learn, scroll down until the section Certification exam.
  4. Choose correct country and Schedule with Pearson VUE
  5. Log in with your personal email
  6. Provide your personal information to the Certification Profile – ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Make sure you don’t have any special character/diacritics or symbols on your Certification profile. If there are any, please remove any Special Characters (like äåö ., \! @ # etc.,) from your Name and Address.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  7. Once you have provided all the information, click Next on the bottom of the page.
  8. Type your work email to activate the discount
  9. Apply discount and click Next.
  10. Click Schedule with Pearson VUE
  11. Select Online from my home or office
  12. Accept Pearson VUE terms
  13. Select exam & proctor language
  14. Select time & date – note time zone and 12 hr / 24 hr times​​​​​​​

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