Home > MS Power BI we create a simple report
  • Czech, English
  • Face-to-face
  • Martin Haman, HPE

MS Power BI we create a simple report

MS Power BI we create a simple report
1. Getting familiar with the Power BI Desktop window
1.1 Report view
1.2 Data view
1.3 Model view
1.4. Panes – Fields, Visualization, Filters
2. Linking to simple data from Excel and web
3. Format settings (decimals, thousands separator, percentages, date and time)
4. Explanation and creation of sessions
5. Creating visuals
5.1. Tables
5.2. Bar charts
5.3 Line charts
5.4 Cross-sections (lists, drop-down menus, buttons, hierarchies, timelines)
6.Graphical editing of visuals – Format tab (headings, axis labels, legend, etc.)
7. Creation of the report homepage
8. Inserting corporate identity


  • 5/5
trainer was great and knowleable
  • 3/5
The lecturer has a deep knowledge of the app and is willing to share it, but I'd appreciate more structured training. More of a step by step report creation. I found it pretty hard to follow several times.
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jana.zencova@tietoevry.com GDPR