Home > Relational Mindfulness Training (5 weeks)
  • Czech
  • Face-to-face
  • Robert Kučera

Relational Mindfulness Training (5 weeks)

  • 5 week mindfulness development program with RMT method
  • Face-to-face program: 5 x 2 hours ( 1st, 3rd, 5th sessions live; 2nd and 4th sessions online)
  • The program includes dyads = mindfulness dialogues, personal practices such as
  • A Moment for Yourself (7 min), Bodyscan (12 min), practice, recaps, etc.
  • Relational Mindfulness Training

Week 1 – Introduction to mindfulness and how mindfulness can help me in my life
Week 2 – Friendship to Self
Week 3 – Friendship to Others
Week 4 – Strengths and Weaknesses
Week 5 – The practice of closeness


  • 5/5
I didn't expect anything regarding a shape of the training and it appears to be exactly the right one. It makes me calm down, not to fly with thoughts, enjoy a completely different way of spending a moment with myself and also with others. I want to thank HR for arranging the training and also Robert for preparation and leading us.
  • 5/5
It was great! Lector was nice and relaxed. Mindfulness techniques and several types of meditations were covered. We got to try everything out and were also given tips to take home to improve and move forward. I definitely recommend it to anyone who is getting interested in the topic of mindfulness and wants to learn and discover more about themselves.
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